Zakiya Holman | Award Winning Author

Surviving vs. thriving

We are born dependent and conditioned to cling to basic requirements. Survival is key in those developing years. Despite the cries and grasping fingers, a spirit wanting to transcend survival flickers. The first independent step, the babbled syllable becoming a word, the spark of interest in youthful eyes—these are signs of a deeper desire, a hint of our potential.

The lure of thriving takes many forms as we travel through life’s mysteries. It may be the tireless pursuit of knowledge, the desire to understand the cosmos and understand its evolution. The impulse to express emotions and perceptions through art may inspire others. Others thrive in cultivating relationships and developing communities of love and purpose that brighten the world.

However, success is difficult. Storms, obstacles, and doubts tempt retreat. The dance with fate becomes a desperate tango. We must then muster the fortitude to remember that thriving is a process, an ongoing unfolding of our unique potential. The dance, the stumbles, and recoveries, the jumps and pauses, is where progress is found. So thriving is a direction, not a destination. The option to overcome adversity, develop our spirit with passion, and enjoy life’s ever-changing terrain is steadfast. It is the refusal to settle for the mundane, the confidence to seek ambitions even when they seem unachievable, and the unwavering belief that we can thrive.